
Posts in Ava Budish
Competition and Convention Prep

You may know the simultaneously exciting and stressful feeling of walking into a convention ballroom room bright and early on a Saturday morning. You immediately feel the rush of energy and nerves surrounding you. If you are anything like me, you can't wait to spend the weekend learning from amazing instructors and meeting new people. But what can you do to ensure that you make the most of your time? The right preparation can make a world of difference when it comes to long weekends of conventions or competitions.

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DWC Ambassador Ava Budish on Self-Expression and Breaking the Mold

In nearly every industry, expectations are set regarding what a professional individual should look and act like, and dance is no exception. However, these standards are arbitrary. The dance world is a much better place when dancers have the freedom to break the mold and express themselves freely. DWC Ambassador Ava Budish shares her thoughts on expressing herself through dance, creating connections, and breaking the mold.

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